
Comment on the Midnight Sun News

I just really agree with this person:

"I couldn't believe this when I read it on Mrs. Meyer's website. First, I'm deeply disappointed that she may not finish this story, due to the stupidity of whoever leaked these chapters. HOWEVER-as many have said, Mrs. Meyer is ONLY punishing her true fans..those who were eagerly awaiting this book. Yes, I totally understand how hurt she feels over this betrayal, but really, by shelving this book, she's only hurting her fans. This is very unfair to all of us who were anticipating this book, and now, to have it all taken away over one person's mistake. I hope Mrs. Meyer reads all the blogs about this matter and takes it all to heart, because without her fans, there would never have been a Twilight saga. So please, Mrs. Meyer, when the time is right, finish Midnight Sun and bless your fans, once again, with this truly special story."

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