
Another Josiah Post

Ok so he didn't make it on to American Idol and by last week's top 24 performances, I'm betting Simon is kicking his own ass over the fact that they didn't put him through.
Oh well, I think it's for the best. I mean imagine he did win, he would have to sing that lame song they always have to do, the idol single that ALWAYS SUCKS!!!! That would be pretty horrible and make all the music they want him to make and blah blah blah put him in a box and that wouldn't be good.
But one thing that is very cool is that I have never heard of anyone getting so much press and acclaim who didn't make even the top 12 not just top 24. I mean I already can't remember some of the top 24 from last week let alone past seasons.

So here is my favorite Hollywood audition of American Idol EVER!

And here he is i think before american idol (not sure) singing one of the songs he wrote that I absolutely love. (i know im a bit obsessed but he's a guy from morristown that sounds like he's from somewhere in England I mean its like a kindred spirit or something, right?) The sound isn't perfect but you'll get the idea.

I mean give me a break. That is lovely.



I loved Josiah from the American Idol auditions tonight. He was the last person from atl, the one that had the slightly English accent even thought he is from morristown, tn...sheesh. Anyway, he's completely adorable and I loved his voice. Its the kind of voice I want to hear on American Idol. Different from all the typical "sound alikes" that are trying to be like everyone thats ever been famous from the show. Sort of like the voices I would listen to from my ipod. I really hope he makes it past hollywood and to the real show. What did you guys think? I'll put up video of him when I can get it.


It's Official..well almost.

So....I've completed filming on my first real movie. WOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!
It was a five day shoot. I was the director. I wrote the script. It's kind of insane. We sent the film away today to be processed in ATL, GOD willing it will come back looking awesome and editing will go well.
I'll post again when we've completed the editing process and I have an entire real film to show for all my ridiculously hard work. OSCARS HERE I COME. Well maybe not this year but in five or ten! GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME! WOOOOOOO!


This is Our Time

politics is one of my interests. Yes, I said it. It doesn't have to be one of yours. that's ok but i wont apologize for caring. You can say that I'm naive to believe that the world can change with a new leader, that all the politicians are all the same. and maybe so. But I can't think that way. I need to believe that we can be different, that this world can be different. I need to believe that America can do great things and change this world. I love this country and I believe in this country. This is a video I saw today and you can say what you will about celebrities and musicians getting involved and it being lame (but i cant fault them because i would do the same and possibly will someday, if my face or voice were recognizable) or even that this video is stupid but I believe in these words. I believe the world can be a better place if we decide to make it so. So whether or not you care or are interested in politics or whether or not you think this video is pointless or fake(even I laughed at moments)...I believe we can change and that is why i'm posting this. So don't fault me or anyone else for believing in this place and in our future.