"Twilight" Sequel Already in the Works 10-15-2008 (13:00:32)
DeadlineHollywoodDaily is reporting that Summit Entertainment's CEO Rob Friedman is already prepping a "Twilight" sequel, even though the first film has yet to appear in theaters. You might be wondering were all this confidence in the franchise is coming from. Let me explain.
Nobody can argue that "Harry Potter" is immensely successful, and when compared to "Twilight," one may notice lots of similarities.
First, "Twilight" has an established audience of book fans with domestic sales reaching 7.5 million for all four Stephanie Meyer novels. The series was a New York Times #1 bestseller for 59 weeks.
Second, the trailer for the film has received over 2 million views on MySpace in the first 24 hours. After two days, it has broken 3.5 million views. It went as far as giving the record-holder "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" some competition.
Third, at one point a "Twilight" book knocked "Harry Potter" of the top spot on the best-sellers list.
If that's not enough, "Twilight" also just took the old release date of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," which decided to move to next summer. And finally, "Twilight" cost only $30+ million to make. Even if Summit receives $20 million during its opening weekend, the film will still end up being a success and worthy of a sequel.
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